This article will list every update made to the product. As updates are released, this article will have a brief description and a link to the help center article if applicable.
Keep an eye on the "What's New" from the question mark icon in the shortcut bar, which is utilized for high impact updates that benefit a large portion of the user base.
February 2025
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02/05/2025: Integrated payments - card payment details included on invoice export for compliance
02/05/2025: "Last Sent" for all Reminders when Manually sent from Reminders Details: When reminders are manually re-sent form the reminders detail report, it will show the "Last Sent" date.
02/05/2025: Attachment Selection to Export: When exporting a patients file, you can now select individual attachments to send.
02/04/2025: Discounts in Settings have new Dedicated Page: Click here to learn more
02/04/2025: Repeat changed to Occurance on Treatment Board Activity: Click here to learn more
02/03/2025: Add Declined Items to Client's Invoice: Declined items can now be applied to an client's exported invoice. Click here to learn more.
January 2025
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Click the arrow to see the updates
01/16/2025: Pending Appointment Report Update: The report now links directly to the requested online booking appointment within the schedule, by clicking on the "Appointment Date" field hyperlink. Click here to learn more.
01/14/2025: Vetsource - Ability to see Refills in Medical Record: When a medical record is created from Vetsource, and has refills, you can now see the refills within the medical record in the patient's history.
01/13/2025: New Integrations Menu: The "Add-Ons" menu in the settings has been split, and a new "Integrations" menu was added in the settings. The Add-Ons menu is for DaySmart Vet's native apps and the "Integrations" menu is reserved for third party integrations.
01/10/2025 -Settings: Appointment Type Update: The appointment type feature in settings has been updated for a better user experience. You can now filter, sort and search for appointment types.
01/07/2025 - Invoice filter and Download: The ability to filter subscription invoices by month, year or date range. Once filtered, the invoice(s) can be downloaded as needed. Click here to learn more.
01/06/2025 - PetCare Client App: If a client updates their profile information within the app, the user can see the change log within the client's profile. Click here to learn more.
01/03/2025 - Resend Communication: The option for "Resend Communication" has been added to any SMS or Email communication under the client's communication tab. Click here to learn more.
01/03/2025 - Resend SMS Reminder: The ability to resend a SMS reminder has been added to any reminder in the reminders tab of a client or patient profiles. *SMS Add On needs to be enabled. Click here to learn more.
01/02/2025 - UOM Update: The option "Head" was added a UOM (Unit of Measure) for inventory items.
December 2024
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Click the arrow to see the updates
12/26/2024: Add Decline as a Multi-Select across line Items on Estimates: The ability to decline multiple items has been added with a multi-select feature. Click here to learn more.
12/26/2024: Add Delete as a Multi-Select across line Items on Estimates: The ability to delete multiple items has been added with a multi-select feature. Click here to learn more.
12/26/2024: Preserve the last tab in Medical Note: Now, the last tab that was opened by the user is preserved when coming back to the medical note tab/window.
12/26/2024: Prevent User Duplicating Faulty Estimate: Before an estimate is duplicated, the system verifies if any items in the estimate has issues, such as incorrect price range. If it does, it will give you an error and ask for the estimate to be updated.
12/26/2024: Update to Permissions for Client Notes: Under Permissions > Client, there has been a notes section added in order to adjust a roles permissions for client notes.
12/24/2025 - New Download option for Payment by Provider: When opening the Payment by Provider report, the report can be downloaded directly from the filter form.
12/23/2025 - PetCare Menu in Settings: If an account is using the PetCare Client Mobile app, there will be a new tab within the main settings page that will house the PetCare's settings.
12/19/2025: Boarding Update: A boarding room cannot be deleted if a future boarding reservation exists.
12/17/2025: In an item profile, any bundle (estimate) that the item is included in, will be listed under the bundles tab.
12/17/2025: Disable Reminder for a Use (Child) Item: A disable reminder can be added for a use that is under a parent item.
12/13/2025: Appointment Board Appointment Linkage: If a patient with an existing appointment on the schedule is admitted directly to the treatment board, the treatment data can be linked to the scheduled appointment at discharge. Click here to learn more.
12/13/2025: Ability to Change Medical note without undoing Check-In: After an appointment is checked-in, the medical note can be created or changed from the scheduled appointment without having to undo the check in. Click here to learn more.
12/13/2025: PetCare Client Profile Updates: A PetCare user can not update their phone number or email address within their profile in PetCare. Click here to learn more.
12/12/2025: Print Label Option on Uses: The ability to set the "Print Label" field has been added to Uses.
12/10/2025: Desexed Action Reversed when Record is Deleted: When a medical record is deleted with the action "Set patient sex to desexed", you have the option to restore the patient's sex status.
12/5/2025: Census Update: The census was updated to avoid a persistent reload when an appointment is updated. Now, only the specific appointment is updated.
November 2024
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Click the arrow to see the updates
11/27/2024: Permission Name Update: Under the billing section of permissions, within reports, the permission for the End of Day Detail report has been changed from "Daily Transaction Detail" to "End of Day Detail"
11/26/2025: Ability to change Font in Letter Templates: The option to change the font in a letter template has been added. There is now a dropdown to the right of the header opinion that allows for the font selection.
11/26/2024: VetTalk Integration: DaySmart Vet now integrates with VetTalk, a client education company. Click here to learn more.
11/18/2024: SMS Confirmation added for Online Booking: The ability to send a SMS confirmation when a online booking appointment has been accepted. *SMS Add-On needs to be enabled.
11/14/2024: Ability to Delete a Deleted Client's Invoice: If an invoice exists for a client that was deleted, the invoice can now be deleted.
11/14/2024: Multi select Checkboxes for Treatment Board Vitals: When adding vitals as an activity, the functionality to multi select vitals has been added.
11/11/2024: Exit Button (Return URL) added for PetCare : If utilizing the PetCare Online Widget, an exit (return URL) has been added so the user can quickly get back to the clinic's website. Click here to learn more.
11/08/2024: Treatment Board: Allow Edit of Date and Time for all Activities: On any activity type, the date and time can be edited.
11/07/2024: Ability to rotate Client Profile Photo Added
11/06/2024: Vetsource: Recommendations Filtered by Weight and Species: When searching for a recommendation, the populated item list will be automatically filtered by the patient's weight and species. Click here to learn more.
11/04/2024: Primary Provider added to Patient Profile: A field named "Primary Provider" has been added to the patient's profile. Click here to learn more.
11/01/2024: Set Print Label from Item: The ability to set an inventory item to have a label printed has been added to an inventory items profile. Click here to learn more.
October 2024
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Click the arrow to see the updates
10/20/2024: Relationship Update: The relationship of "Fostered by" can now be utilized between Clients and Patients.
10/28/2024: Form Expiration Date: The expiration date for a form link will be based of the configuration "Link Expiration".
10/28/2024: Bulk Update Checkbox: A checkbox has been added to each main category, which allows for all subcategories to be selected within that category.
10/25/2024: Account Statement Update: A quantity field for each line item has been added to the transaction detail of account statements.
10/23/2024: Letter - Diagnosis Status Sent: The "Status" field under Diagnosis is sent in a letter when {ASSESSMENT_EXAM_CONTENT} variable is used.
10/21/2025: Medical Note "Changes Saved" Update: The "changes saved" text will now show for each input instead of particular section title.
10/21/2024: Multiple Patient Export: From a client's profile, multiple patient's (if applicable) can be exported at once.
10/21/2024: Invoice New Item - Apply to Multiple Patients: If a client has multiple patients, a new record can be added to an invoice for multiple patients owned by the client. Click here to learn more.
10/18/2024: Treatment Board - Duplicate Activity: The option to "Duplicate" an activity has been added to an activity on the treatment board.
10/18/2024: Antech - Fetch Results: On the lab profile and on the gear icon of the patient's lab record, a "Fetch Results" option has been added in order to manually fetch the lab results.
10/07/2024: Treatment Board - Start Treatment while Admitting: The option to "Start Treatment" has been added via a checkbox under the "Admit Patient" field when checking in an appointment.
10/04/2024: PetCare Widget Available for Clinic Website: A widget has been developed that allows clinics to seamlessly embed it on their website, enabling clients to easily access PetCare directly through the embedded interface. Click here to learn more.
10/03/2024: Quick Edit - Refresh Keeps Location: In Quick Edit, when you use the gear icon to edit an item, your location will be preserved upon saving. The page will no longer refresh to the first page, allowing you to remain where the item is located.
September 2024
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09/30/2024: Ability to filter by Item Status on Inventory Summary Report: The inventory summary report now allows for the user to display all items, only inactive items or only active items.
09/30/2024: PetCare Client Mobile app: Client can pay Locked Invoices
09/30/2024: Treatment Board Filters: The treatment board now has the ability to be filtered by Appointment Status, Triage and Assign To. Click here to learn more.
09/26/2024: SMS Character Count Displayed: The SMS content character count limit is now displayed in the appointment Confirmation dialog for Confirmation & Reminder.
09/26/2024: Reports - Estimate Decline Items in Client Billing History: Items that were declined from an estimate now show in Decline Items in the Billing History of the Client Profile, and hyperlink to the estimate in the reference column.
09/26/2024: Reports - Add Patient Last Name and Sex to Diagnosis Summary Report.
09//26/2024: Custom SMS content for Appointment type and Reminder: Custom SMS confirmations and reminders have been added to appointment types. Click here to learn more.
09/05/2024: Treatment Board Sort: The ability to sort the treatment board fields has been added. Click here to learn more.
August 2024
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08/27/2024: Snippet added for date and time stamp: When #time or #date is type into a field that allows snippets, it will populate the date or time.
08/23/2024: Store Census Filters & Sorting: When using the census, the filters and sorts applied will be the default when you log out and long in again.
08/21/2024: Subscription Page Breadcrumbs: When on the subscription page, you can navigate back to the settings with the Settings breadcrumb on the top left.
08/19/2024: Ability to Filter Census: The census can now be filtered by Appointment Status, Triage, Provider, and Assigned To.
08/16/2024: Ability to Delete Payment Method: From the gear icon next to a payment method in settings, you can now delete the payment method. If a primary payment method is deleted, the next card in line will default to the primary.
08/14/2024: Custom confirmation and reminder settings for appointment types will apply to appointments booked online.
July 2024
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07/26/2024: Global Notification Setting: Within the configurations, there is a global notification setting that allows notifications from images, labs or pharmacy to be automatically converted to a task.
07/25/2024: Appointment Type is now added to the Complaint section on the Census.
07/24/2024: Census Sorting: On the census, there is now the ability to sort each column by clicking the arrow next to the applicable column.
07/23/2024: Quick Lock Keyboard Shortcut: shift + fn + f12 (mac) &
shift + f12 (windows and standalone keyboard with dedicated function keys)07/12/2024: Snippets added on instruction field on invoice item & new record from a medical note
07/12/2024: Notification for Vetsource approval: When a Vetsource Approval is received, a notification is created for the provider that the recommendation was made from
07/09/2024: New locations added to Location field of an inventory item: Left Pectoral Muscle & Right Pectoral Muscle
07/03/2024: Create Message in Invoice if Payment is being made: When a user is collecting payment, display a message in the invoice page to notify & make other users aware that there is someone collecting payment.
07/03/2024: PetCare - Create a new client & online booking: If new client is scheduling an appointment, then PetCare will capture required information: First Name, Last Name, email address, mobile number and address
07/02/2024: Forms - Notification of submission completed: A notification will be sent to users (opted in for Documnet Notifications) when a client has submitted their form
07/01/2024: PetCare - Notification if letter is signed: A notification will be sent to users (if opted in for PetCare notifications) when a letter is signed.
07/01/2024: PetCare - Notification if estimate is signed: A notification will be sent to users (if opted in for PetCare notifications) when an estimate is signed.
07/01/2024: PetCare - Notification if client is merged: A notification will be sent to users (if opted in for PetCare notifications) when a client is merged.
June 2024
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06/28/2024: Vetsource prescription details to display medication, size, and quantity when exporting medical records.
06/28/2024: New data field added with various triage statuses/colors. The status can be edited by the user on the Check-In, Census, Treatment Board, the Appointment Pop-Up Summary, and the “Appointment” option on the Medical Note, Invoice, and Estimate.
06/28/2024: Edit Staff Timesheet Notes: When editing a timesheet, the ability to add staff notes intop the notes field is now available.
06/14/2024: Ability to generate a timesheet for an inactive staff member.
May 2024
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05/24/2024: VetSource Personal Note filed added in New Recommendation.
05/17/2024: Default Provider on Non Staff Column: A provider can be added as the default provider when creating or editing a non staff schedule column.
05/15/2024: Inventory Shelf Management Configuration: A configuration was added, called Inventory Shelf Management, that allows for either Soonest Expiring or FIFO (First in first out). This will apply as the default for how inventory is deducted from stock.
05/15/2024: Search on Permissions: A search bar has been added on the permissions page
April 2024
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Click here to learn more
04/23/2024: Late fees can now be waived on reopened or locked invoices
04/23/2024: Charitable fund now shows in Allied To field when a credit is applied as a charitable fund.
04/17/2024: Display time in EOD reports: In the end of day detail and end of day reconciliation reports, the start and end time will be displayed above the report header.
04/10/2024: Automatically opt new client in to reminders: When a new client is created, they will automatically be opted in for whatever reminder type information is entered (Email, SMS, Mail, Phone)
04/10/2024: Patient sex is added to the Patient Birthday report.
04/05/2024: Online booking required fields: When a client books online, the Email, Address, and Mobile Phone Number are now required fields.
March 2024
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03/22/2024: Vetsource Refill Update: On the original medical record, it will show how many refills until the refill expiration date.
03/21/2024: Production Credit (Based on Payments) report: Report now shows credits applied on a payment, based on the credit applied date.
03/19/2024: Form Template Email Default: An email default is now available for a form template
03/18/2024: Checkout Documents Preselected on Census: When checking out from the census, the checkout documents that are set on the appointment type will be populated within the checkout process.