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IDEXX Integration - Enabling and Mapping Items
IDEXX Integration - Enabling and Mapping Items

Learn how to enable the Idexx integration, which will be necessary for reference and Vetlab results to be automatically imported into the patient's medical history.

Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated this week


The IDEXX integration with DaySmart Vet software streamlines veterinary practice management by seamlessly connecting diagnostic results with patient records. This integration allows veterinarians and staff to easily request diagnostic tests and view results directly within the DaySmart Vet platform, reducing manual data entry and improving efficiency.

Enabling the Integration

  1. Click on "Settings"

  2. Click on "Integrations"

  3. Click on the green plus icon next to the "IDEXX" Integration row

  4. Complete the form that appears by providing your VetConnect Plus username and password

  5. Click "Enable"

Checking your VetLab Station Connection

Once the integration is enabled, check to make sure that your VetLab Station(s) are properly connected as follows:

  1. In DaySmart Vet, click on "Settings"

  2. Click on "Configurations" and select "View Devices"

  3. If the VetLab Station is connected, you will see the device listed and the "Status" listed as Online

You can test the integration on your VetLab Station by viewing submitted labs on the VetLab Station under Settings > Home Screen > Display Pending List.

Mapping your Inventory Items

To complete the integration, you will need to map your existing inventory items to IDEXX's catalog. If you do not have any existing Idexx Inventory items, the process will be the same by adding a "New Item". To do this:

  1. Navigate to the applicable laboratory item

  2. Click on "Edit Item"

  3. In the "Name" field, type in the IDEXX lab ID (i.e. 3006) or name and select the appropriate lab from the list (IDEXX's tests will start with "IDEXX:")

  4. Click "Save + Done"

Important: For in-house labs, please use the keyword "VetLab" and select the appropriate result from the list.

You will know the lab is mapped correctly because the "Name" field is hard coded once the inventory item is saved. If a mistake is made, you will have to delete the item and add a new item for the applicable IDEXX Lab.

If tests are processed outside of the recommended workflow, results can be manually entered into the test via the Vetlab Station. Once these are entered, they can be saved and transmitted back to DaySmarty Vet.

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