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Antech HealthTracks Integration
Antech HealthTracks Integration

Learn how to enable, set up and utilize Antech Diagnostic's integration. The integration allows for reference and in-house labs.

Blake Nadilo avatar
Written by Blake Nadilo
Updated this week

This Article only applies for clinics in the Antech HealthTracks.

If you are not in the Beta and need help with the current Antech Integration, please see Antech Integration Add On


To Enable the Antech Integration

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  1. Click on the "Add Ons" tab

  2. Click on the green "plus" icon on the row for the Antech integration

  3. Complete the form that appears, and click "enable"

To fill out the form, please be sure to have the following information available:

  • Clinic ID is your Antech ID -- a number like 99999 or 10243.

  • Username is the username that you use for the Antech Online website login

  • Password is the password that you use for the Antech Online website login

Please note that in order for the extension to work, you will first need to register for an Antech Online account. To do so, please visit Antech's Account Activation Form.

Inventory Set Up

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To complete the integration setup, you will need to create and "map" your Antech inventory items in DaySmart. This will link your DaySmart inventory items to the specific item in Antech's catalog in the database.

To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Inventory module and select "New Item"

  2. In the "name" field, type in the Antech lab catalogue requisition ID (eg. SA705) or name (Antech's tests will start with "Antech: ") You will map reference labs and in house labs the same way.

  3. Select the appropriate test from the list of results and add a "Base Price" as applicable

  4. Click Save

The "name" of integrated labs cannot be customized. The inventory default name must be selected from the list. If the name is modified, the mapping will be lost and the item will not be integrated. You may however choose a custom "Display Name". The "Display Name" is searchable when typing in the "Item" field of a new record, which will show the "Name" of the item. The "Display Name" will also show on the client facing documents, such as an invoice or letter.


Creating a Record

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To avoid Unassigned or ‘orphaned’ lab results, you must first create the medical record in DaySmart. You will be able to search any of your mapped Antech lab items within the "Item" field of the record. If needed, you can add multiple tests within the medical record. The default option for the "Send to Lab" field will be "Yes". You will see (ref) after the item name for reference labs and (in house) for in house items. The workflow will be the same for in house labs. They will be sent to your analyzer once you follow the workflow.

When adding multiple lab tests into a "New Record", it has to be only reference labs or only in house labs in the "Item" field.

Once the record is saved, you will be directed to Antech's Order Dialog within HealthTracks where you can complete the order.

Note: Once the record is saved it will become a medical record on the patients history and will be added to the associated invoice to charge the client. All actions (reminders, letters, etc) will be triggered. The order must still be completed via the HealthTracks cart. If the order is not fully processed for any reason, the item and invoice line may need to be manually deleted.

Placing Order

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To complete and place the order, select the cart button on the top right of the screen which will allow you to click on the "Lab Orders Cart". This is where you will review your order and place it.

At this point, you will review your cart and make any adjustments if needed. You can select the "Critical" box at the top to flag the order. You will have the option to edit the "Samples" as needed. By default, the Qty will be set to 1. You can adjust the sample type and the Qty by selecting the edit button.

If any comments or instructions are required to be included on the order, you have the ability to enter these into the "Run Priority / Comments" box at the bottom of the cart. These comments will be displayed on the requisition form, When you are done, select the purple "Place Order" button on the very bottom of the cart.

The lab item will not be placed on the invoice within DaySmart Vet when it is in the "Pre-Draft" Status. Once the order has been placed, and confirmation from Antech has been received, the status of the record will change to "Submitted". At this point, the lab item will be placed on the invoice.

Once the "Place Order" button has been selected, you will be prompted to print or download the requisition form.

The record will then go into a "Submitted" status.

Once the results are completed, the ordering provider will receive a task notifying them that the results have been completed and are uploaded into the patient's profile. The user will be able to access the results from the task or by clicking on the patient's name, and accessing the medical record. On the record within the patient's profile, you will see the status "Final". This indicates that the patient's Antech results are completed.

Within the record, you will have 2 tabs to access the test information. "Tests" and "Attachments". The "Tests" tab will have the test results for reference in your account. You can utilize the "Attachments" tab if you need to download the lab results. The attachment will automatically be uploaded into the patients "Attachments" tab in their profile.

If you do not first create the medical record in DaySmart and send the proper requisition form with the sample, the results may be "orphaned" and listed in the "Unassigned Labs" tab in the Patient module.

To learn about how to work with unassigned labs, click here

If the reference test is a pathology type test, Antech only allows that on a separate order and requisition form. However, the integration allows to order pathology reference labs with other reference type labs.

Example: You order a Antech : Dermatopathology Consult (DERM) and a Antech: Accuplex 4 (AC100) within the same record in DaySmart Vet. When you are directed to the Order Dialog, you will only see one test in the cart. Once that order is placed, the order dialog will pop up again with the other test in the cart. Antech will notify you with a pop up in the cart.

Exiting HealthTracks & Returning to Order at a Later Time

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If you are not ready to checkout, you have the ability to select the red "Exit" button on the top right of the screen, which will revert you back to your DaySmart Vet page and place the order in a "Draft" status. The "Draft" status is allowed for 30 days before the order is invalid. When you are ready to complete the order and checkout, select the gear icon on the far right of the record, and select "Complete Order".

Otherwise, if placing the order at the time of adding the record, proceed to the cart on the top right to place the order.

If you hover over the "Status", you will receive a message notifying you of the deadline for the order's completion.

Adding a New Antech Test through HealthTracks

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If needed, you can add a test right from Antech's catalog within the Order Dialog. This method is reserved for the rare, one off lab tests that are not in your inventory. You can utilize the search bar on the right to find the test. Once you have found the test, select the box on the left of the test and add it to your cart.

It is important that you first add all the Antech tests the practice offers into your inventory before utilizing the integration. Adding a test through the Order Dialog that is not in your inventory will create and map the lab as an inventory item in your DaySmart Vet account. Once the order is placed, the test will be added to the invoice in DaySmart Vet, and the price will be entered as the "List Price" that is associated with the lab in HealthTracks.

The "List Price" in HealthTracks is the cost to the clinic. Make sure to adjust the item's price on the invoice before checking out. You will have to mark the "List Price' up to the appropriate price in order to charge the client correctly. You will also need to navigate to the inventory item within the inventory module, and set the "Base Price" for future use.

Viewing HealthTracks

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On the top of the lab record, you can link to Antech's HealthTracks. HealthTracks will allow for quick access of historical lab data for the patient, along with other helpful information and options.

Once in HealthTracks, you can navigate the top bar for the information needed.

The "Consultation" option is of note. This option allows you to schedule a consultation with a specialist of your choosing.

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