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Adding an Item to InventoryLearn how to add a new item into your inventory. This article will cover the specific fields that can be utilized to customize the needed usage of the item.
Adjusting Inventory BalancesLearn how to adjust an items balance on hand. This can be from an item expiring to monthly inventory counts.
Antech Integration Add On
Applying Volume Discounts
Enabling and Managing the Zoetis (Abaxis) Lab Integration
IDEXX Integration - Enabling and Mapping ItemsLearn how to enable the Idexx integration, which will be necessary for reference and Vetlab results to be automatically imported into the patient's medical history.
Heska Cloud Integration
IDEXX WebPacs Integration
Inventory Uses & Actions: DAPP+LLearn how to set up DAPP+ Lepto inventory uses in order to have your reminders trigger properly.
Inventory CategoriesCategories play a large role in how your inventory is organized, as well as taxed. Learn how to manage your categories and subcategories.
Managing the Vetcove Integration
Managing the Zoetis Reference Labs Integration
Merging Inventory Items
Midwest Veterinary Laboratory integration
Ordering Inventory Through MWI, Patterson, or Victor Medical Integrations
Quantity Discounts / Price Tiers
Receiving an Order Into Inventory
Recording Inventory PurchasesEntering your purchases in DaySmart Vet is key to tracking inventory, pricing your items and accurate reporting.
Working With Inventory UsesInventory Uses are utilized for a single inventory item that is "Used" in different ways. Examples are tracking inventory balances correctly, setting up reminders and attaching custom pricing.
IDEXX Integration - Submitting Labs
Troubleshooting the IDEXX Integration
Using Bulk UpdatesIf you need to make the same update to many inventory items, or categories, the bulk update feature will save you a lot of time.
Using the Dosage Calculator
Working with ActionsActions placed on inventory items can streamline a number of different tasks, that will save time and keep data accurate.
Creating and Managing Fees