For more information about ordering and receiving, please see Ordering Inventory Through MWI, Patterson, or Victor Medical Integrations.
To record a purchase:
Navigate to the applicable inventory item
Click on "purchases" and select "new purchase"
Complete the form that appears
Click "save"
To add a new supplier:
Navigate to the CONTACTS module
Click "New Company"
Complete the form that appears
Click "Save + Done"
To set the order items are pulled from the shelf:
Navigate to the SETTINGS module
Find the "Inventory Shelf Management" configuration and click the paper and pencil Icon to edit.
Select preferred option between "Soonest Expiring" or "FIFO (First In First Out)"
"Soonest Expiring" will look at the expiration dates of purchases to determine the lot that an item is pulled from by default. If there is no expiration date on a purchase(s) then the system will default to FIFO after all entries with an expiration are used up.
"FIFO" or First In First Out will always utilize the purchase date to determine the order items are pulled.
Click the save icon
Here's a video that walks you through the steps for recording a purchase.
Purchases can also be added to an inventory item via a 'New Receipt' within the Inventory Dashboard. If the clinic has multiple purchases to add to their inventory, they can do one 'New Receipt' from a supplier and the purchase will be added to the applicable inventory item from the receipt.
To learn how to add a new receipt, click here |