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Troubleshooting the IDEXX Integration
Troubleshooting the IDEXX Integration
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago
  1. Clear browser cache to ensure there is not an issue with old data gumming up the works

  2. Ensure that your browser is set to accept third party cookies (this must be done on all computers from which labs would be submitted)

Once these two steps are completed, try to submit another lab.

Troubleshooting Enabling the Idexx Integration:

  • Ensure that credentials are correct. Clinics can occasionally share credentials, and it’s important for the user to have the most up-to-date information.

  • Idexx credentials are case-sensitive. Be sure to apply proper uppercase and lowercase.

Troubleshooting the VetLab Station:

  • If the device does not appear, ensure that it is set to connect to a cloud-based PIMS, not an IP or server-based PIMS. The Idexx rep or user can do this.

  • If the device does not appear in the list, have the user/rep re-enter credentials for VetConnect Plus on the VetLab Station.

  • If the device does not appear after updating the VetLab credentials, verify the credentials used in the DaySmart Vet-Idexx add on menu, and re-enter them if there’s any question.

  • If the device still does not appear, have the user/rep restart the VetLab. Wait at least 5 minutes to see if the device appears.

** If a test request is being ordered from DaySmart Vet to the Vetlab Station, but the request never makes it to the machine, this is a DaySmart Vet issue. If the test request gets sent properly to the Vetlab and the test is run, but does not make it back to DaySmart Vet, this is a Idexx issue.

The name of integrated labs cannot be changed from the inventory default. If the name is modified before saving, the mapping will be lost and the lab will not be seen by the integration.

Troubleshooting Idexx Tests

  • If a test is not properly creating requisition forms, ensure that the name has been mapped properly. If it has been mapped properly you will NOT be able to edit the name of the item, ONLY the display name.

  • If the test is named properly but still not producing requisition forms or sending requests, ensure that when you create a record for the test the “Send to Lab” defaults to “Yes” upon record creation.

  • If the record defaults to Send to Lab: “No” and changing it to “Yes” does not allow you to print a requisition form, submit a ticket to DaySmart Vet Support for further investigation. There is likely a data issue with the specific test.

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