The Treatment Board in DaySmart Vet serves as a digital whiteboard, offering a user-friendly, visual interface for veterinarians and staff to monitor and update patient treatment statuses. This tool simplifies managing treatment plans by allowing you to schedule activities like checking vitals, administering IV fluids, and contacting owners.
The board features three view options: Activity View, Timeline View, and Patient Detail View, each designed to enhance efficiency. It displays key details such as prescribed treatments, due dates, and special instructions. By streamlining workflows, the Treatment Board helps staff quickly assign, schedule, and document treatments, ensuring nothing is overlooked and improving the quality of patient care.
Watch the video below to see the highlights and changes with the new version:
Full Treatment Board Workflow Video: Broken into Four Chapters
Treatment Board Basics
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Accessing the Treatment Board
The treatment board can be accessed through the Schedule. Click on the “Treatment” tab and select the option to view the board.
Three Dots - Remote View, Timeline View & Activity View
From the three dots next to the search bar, you can select between Remote View, Timeline View & Activity View.
Remote View: This view opens in a new tab, allowing you to display it on an external monitor or screen, such as a smart TV. This view is read-only and intended for display purposes only.
Activity View: This view will show the specific activity that is due within the timeline.
Timeline View: This view shows the timeline with a number in each column, which indicates the number of activities that are due in that hour. You can click on the number to see what activities are due and when.
The view you are in when you log out will automatically become your default view the next time you log in. For example, if you prefer the Activity View, it will always be displayed by default when you access the Treatment Board.
How to Navigate the Treatment Board
The treatment board is divided into rows. Each row highlights the patient that is being treated, what they are being treated for, the provider assigned to the patient, treatment status and what needs to be done (and when).
Any documents, such as a medical note and invoice will be accessed through the "Documents" button next to the patient. You can see what time an activity(s) is due, by looking at the date and time column, which will display how many activities are due at that specific time. The red line indicates the current time based on your set timezone.
If you need to quickly find a patient, simply type the patient's name in the search bar on the top middle of the board
In order to scroll through the date and time, click the back or forward arrows on the top right. To select a different date, click the calendar button between the two arrows which will bring up a calendar to select from.
Tip: You can also use "Shift" + mouse wheel or arrow keys to navigate the timeline.
Sorting & Filtering the Treatment Board
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Sorting the Treatment Board
The treatment board can be sorted by patient name, triage status, treatment start time and activity due. To sort, click the sort button in the upper right and select the preferred sorting method.
Filtering the Treatment Board
The treatment board can also be filtered by Treatment Status, Triage Status or Assigned To. To filter the treatment board, click the filter button in the upper right and select the desired filters. As you select filters, only those that are still applicable will be shown.
Tip: Providers can filter to focus on only their assigned patients, or for priority patients based on triage status.
If a patient has the status of "Overnight Stay", the filter will allow for this status to be filtered for.
Introducing Activities & Adding Activities to Bundles
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Activity Overview
An activity is a representation of what needs to happen for a particular patient. Activities can take one of three forms – Medical, Vitals, and Other. Medical activities document the administration of medications or other medical care (these link to your inventory and invoice). Vitals activities document vitals. Other activities provide a way to document various other tasks, such as removing catheters or contacting the owner.
Activities are organized along a timeline. They help organize and coordinate the team by ensuring that everything that needs to happen actually happens on time. In addition, completing an activity creates the corresponding medical record for the patient, as well as updates inventory and billing. To make managing activities easier, bundles are used to create these timelines. Since bundles already contain all of the drugs, labs, services, and supplies associated with various treatments, it was only natural that these various bundle items be organized in a way that details how those items should be used.
Where to Add Activities
An activity can be added from the 'Treatment" tab on the header of the schedule.
Within the treatment board, you can add an activity directly from the patient's details box. Click the + within the patient's box and select "Add Activity". This is the preferred method as the patient's name field is prefilled.
Adding and Working with Activities in a Medical Note
Once a patient is admitted and treatment has started, an activity can be added directly from the "Records" tab of the patient's medical note. If the medical note has a "Plan" section, an activity can be added from there.
When a bundle with activities is added through their medical note, the activities form will appear for the user to make their activities selections. Once the activities have been selected, you will then be prompted with the items form. Once the items form is saved, the activities will be applied.
Any activities can be viewed from Records > View Activities.
From "View Activities", you have the following options to the right of the activity:
Adding a New Activity
Activities can be scheduled to start at an interval from the start of treatment (e.g., 15 minutes after starting treatment) or at a specific time and date (e.g., 1:00 pm). They can also be set to recur for a specific number of times and a set interval (e.g., every 15 minutes for 5 occurrences).
Activities can be backdated if needed. This could be necessary if an activity is not logged, and you need to enter in the historical data.
Occurrence: Recurring Activities
When choosing to have an activity recur, there are a few important aspects to note. The first box is how many times in total you want that activity to repeat. The second box is the time interval for the activity. In the example below, the first vital activity will be due 5 minutes after the start of treatment. The vitals activity will show three times on the patient's timeline, in intervals of 20 minutes.
If any activities are scheduled on a date later than the date the treatment was started, the status will automatically change to "Overnight Stay".
Adding Activities to Bundles
If utilizing bundles for treatment, you can add activities to the bundle template. When a bundle with activities is added during a patient's treatment, the activities are automatically applied to the patient's treatment timeline. This will streamline your treatment board process by adding activities to treatment bundles, such as surgeries or certain illnesses.
Medical activities can only be created for items that are already included in the bundle, under the “Items” tab.
Steps to add an activity to a bundle:
Navigate to the applicable bundle: Settings > Templates > View Bundles (Invoice)
Select the applicable bundle and click on “Activities” and select the option to add a "New Activity"
Complete the form that appears, including by setting the start time and recurrence of the activity
Click “Save + Done” to save the activity and close the window, or “Save + Add New” to save the activity and add a new one
When a bundle is added to the treatment board, you can select which activities you want to apply to a patient's treatment. The workflow is the same as selecting items to add to an invoice when applying a bundle.
Admitting Patients & Starting Treatment
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Admitting a Patient
Patients can be admitted in two ways: during appointment check-in or directly from the treatment board. The same two ways are applied for starting the patients treatment.
To admit a patient through an appointment:
Update the “Admit Patient” field to admit them
Once the appointment is checked in, the patient will appear on the treatment board as “Admitted"
Starting Treatment
Starting treatment will create the activities for that patient, and begin the clock starting on when each of those activities is due.
You can start treatment by selecting the “Start" button next to the patient information.
Starting treatment prompts you with the "Start Treatment" form to fill out. This is where you will select your bundle template, triage status, assign a room, and who it is assigned to. If a medical note and billing option was chosen during check in, those will carry over to the treatment. If a bundle template is chosen, you will be prompted to select any activities or items once you select "Next".
Tracking Triage Priority
The Triage label will be displayed next to the patients name on the Treatment Board. This label can be set/edited when the patient is checked in and admitted, admitted directly from the Treatment Board, treatment is started or at any point during the treatment.
To edit the Triage Label from the Treatment Board view, click the current label from the patient information, which will bring up a dropdown of the other options. Select the new label and click the checkmark to save.
To Edit the Triage Status from the Patient View:
When in the patient view, click the triage status on the top of the page. Make your selection and click the checkmark to save.
Tip: Filter the treatment board by the Triage Status by using the filter feature on the top right of the board.
Starting Treatment from Check In
If you need to start treatment at the time of check in, click the "Start Treatment" box directly underneath the "Admit Patient" field.
While the patient is in treatment, the option to check them out will be disabled in the appointment. However, new status options will become available as the patient progresses through treatment.
Admitting a Patient Directly to the Treatment Board
Click to “Treatment” in the Schedule and select the option to admit patient
Complete the form that appears. Note that patients will be defaulted to start treatment when admitted directly from the board. You can uncheck this if desired.
Workflow Tip: If a patient needs to be admitted to the treatment board after being checked in for their appointment, you can link their treatment details to the appointment when discharging them. At the end of treatment, you will have the option to associate the treatment board information with the existing appointment by checking the box within the "End Treatment" form.
If a new medical note was created while starting treatment, by selecting the box to associate treatment the appointment, the new medical note will associated with the appointment. The same will be applied if a new invoice is selected during the start of treatment.
Tip: When starting treatment, select the same invoice that was created at check-in.
Patient Detail View
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In order to see greater detail on a patient's treatment, utilize the patient detail view. This view is found from the patients information box, under the + button.
Once in the patient detail view, you will find the patient information, triage status, vitals, appointment status and documents on the top section.
Viewing and Completing Activities
Below the patient information section, you will find a timeline specific to the patient. This timeline is broken out by the activity type: Vitals, Medical and Other. . To complete an activity from this view, select the check mark on the top right of the activity.
If an activity is not yet due, the activity box will display as white. If an activity is overdue, the box will be red. If an activity is completed, you will see a grey check mark next to the time within an activity.
From the patient detail page, you can also complete an activity by clicking the box on the timeline, that has the time listed. Once clicked, complete the activity form.
Adding an Activity or Bundle
To add an activity or bundle from the patient detail view, select the + button below the patient's vital section.
Next to the +, you will be able to click on the Overdue text, which will display any overdue activities. You can click on any activity from this button and complete it.
Editing, Deactivating and Duplicating Activities
From the three dots within an activity, you can Edit, Duplicate, Deactivate or view a activity's History.
You can select to edit any activity, which allows to to change the initial activity that was created.
Save time, and utilize the duplicate option for any activity you need to add again
Deactivate: This feature allows you to remove an activity from the board. You can choose to deactivate a single activity or, if it is part of a recurring series, deactivate all activities in the series.
History: This option displays the activity's history
Completing Activities (Timeline & Activity Views)
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Timeline View: To complete an activity on the timeline View, click on the box within the timeline that has the number in it. If there is more than one activity, you will be able to choose which one to complete first.
Activity View: To complete an activity on the activity view, click on the box with the listed activity and complete the form. If there is more than one activity at the same time, you will see all activities listed next to each other.
Medical activities will create the corresponding medical records for the patient, deduct the item from inventory, and add the applicable charge to the item. Any actions associated with items will also be triggered when the activity is completed. Similarly, vitals activities will create vitals records for the patient, and they will update the treatment summary.
Click the box on the timeline that has the activity that is due. This will be signaled by a number which indicates how many activities are due at that time.
2. Fill out the specific activity form, and select "Complete" when you are done
3. On the patient timeline, you can see an activity is done by a check mark on the top right of the specific timeline box
For the activity view, you will simply select the activity that needs completing. The activity will have a gre check mark on the top right when completed.
Ending Treatment
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You can end treatment at any time by clicking the “End” button on the main treatment board or the patient detail view. When treatment is ended, any incomplete activities will be deleted.
If the patient was admitted into treatment from a same-day appointment, the appointment status will automatically update to “Visit Complete”, allowing the patient to be checked out as usual. For patients admitted directly to the treatment board with no initial appointment or those with appointments from a previous day, a new appointment will be created at the time of discharge. This new appointment will include the designated provider and the appointment type specified during the treatment ending process.
Activity and Timeline View:
Patient Detail View: