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Treatment Board

Learn how to utilize the treatment board, which is an extended function of your schedule.

Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 2 months ago

Navigating the Treatment Board

The treatment board can be accessed through the Schedule. Click on the “treatment” link and select the option to view the board.

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The treatment board is divided into rows. Each row highlights the patient that is being treated, what it is being treated for, and what needs to be done for it (and when). The filter at the top of the page allows for viewing treatments based on their status – admitted, in treatment, discharged, etc.

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Use the URL provided in the add-on to project the treatment board onto a TV. The treatment board will update in real time.

Sorting the Treatment Board

The treatment board can be sorted by patient name, triage status or treatment start time. To sort, click the sort button in the upper right and select the preferred sorting method.

Filtering the Treatment Board

The treatment board can also be filtered by Treatment Status, Triage Status or Assigned To. To filter the treatment board, click the filter button in the upper right and select the desired filters. As you select filters, only those that are still applicable will be shown.

Tip: Providers can filter to focus on only thier assigned patients, or for priority patients based on triage status.

​Introducing Activities

An activity is a representation of what needs to happen for a particular patient. Activities can take one of three forms – medical, vitals, and other. Medical activities document the administration of medications or other medical care. Vitals activities document vitals. Other activities provide a way to document various other tasks, such as removing catheters or contacting the owner.

Activities are organized along a timeline. They help organize and coordinate the team by ensuring that everything that needs to happen actually happens on time. In addition, completing an activity creates the corresponding medical record for the patient, as well as updates inventory and billing. To make managing activities easier, bundles are used to create these timelines. Since bundles already contain all of the drugs, labs, services, and supplies associated with various treatments, it was only natural that these various bundle items be organized in a way that details how those items should be used.

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Activities can be scheduled to start at an interval from the start of treatment (e.g., 15 minutes after starting treatment) or at a specific time (e.g., 1:00 pm). They can also be set to recur for a specific number of times and a set interval (e.g., every 15 minutes for 5 occurrences).

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To add activities to bundles:

  1. Navigate to the applicable bundle (Settings > Templates > View Bundles)

  2. Click on “activities” and select the option to add an activity

  3. Complete the form that appears, including by setting the start time and recurrence of the activity

  4. Click “save + done” to save the activity and close the window, or “save + add new” to save the activity and add a new one

Medical activities can only be created for items that are already included in the bundle under the “items” tab.

​Admitting Patients

Patients can be admitted in two ways – when checking in an appointment, or directly from the treatment board. To admit a patient from an appointment, change the “admit patient” field to admit the patient. Once the appointment is checked in, the patient will appear on the treatment board as “admitted.” You can also "start" the treatment at this point, by selecting the Start Treatment radio button after opting to admit at check in. So long as the patient is in treatment, the option to check out the patient will be disabled in the appointment. However, new status options will appear in the appointment as the patient is moving through treatment.

If a medical note is selected at check-in, that medical note will be used for the treatment. Similarly, if a bundle is selected at check-in, that bundle will be the default selection when beginning treatment (see below).

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To admit a patient directly from the treatment board:

  1. Click to “treatment” in the Schedule and select the option to admit patient

  2. Complete the form that appears, note that patients will be defaulted to "start" treatment when admitted directly from the board. You can uncheck this if desired.

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Workflow Tip: If a patient needs to be admitted to the treatment board after being checked in for their appointment, you can link their treatment details to the appointment when discharging them. At the end of treatment, you will have the option to associate the treatment board information with the existing appointment by checking the box within the "End Treatment" form.

If a new medical note was created while starting treatment, by selecting the box to associate treatment the appointment, the new medical note will associated with the appointment. The same will be applied if a new invoice is selected during the start of treatment.

Tip: When starting treatment, select the same invoice that was created at check-in.

Admitted patients that you do not start treatment for will appear at the bottom of the treatment board so they do not interfere with patients that treatment has been started for.

Patients can be assigned to specific team members and treatment rooms.

​Starting Treatment

Starting treatment will create the activities for that patient, and begin the clock starting on when each of those activities is due. As mentioned above, you can start the treatment when admitting patients via check in or from the "Admit Patient" button on the Treatment Board. To start treatment for patients who have been admitted only, click on the “start” card. The form that appears will allow you to select which treatment bundle to use, and when the treatment should formally start for purposes of calculating when each of the activities is due. Activities will be listed from left to right, with the activity due soonest appearing on the left.

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Only bundles that have activities associated with them will be listed when starting treatment to ensure that you don’t have to sort through all of the clinic’s bundles.

​Tracking Triage Priority

The Triage label will be displayed next to the patients name on the Treatment Board. This label can be set/edited when the patient is checked in and admitted, admitted directly from the Treatment Board, treatment is started or at any point during the treatment.

To edit the Triage Label from the Treatment Board view, click the current label, which will bring up a dropdown of the other options. Select the new label and click the green checkmark to save.

For more information about the Triage label - See Managing Appointment Priority with Triage

Adding Activities During Treatment

Activities can be added mid-treatment. To do so:

  1. Click on “Treatment”

  2. Select the option to add a bundle or a single activity

  3. Complete the form that appears

The new treatments will be added in their applicable place in the timeline of activities.

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Reviewing and Completing Activities

Rather than clicking on each activity to view its content, hover over the activity to display a summary of the activity. On mobile devices, tap and hold the activity to display the summary.

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To complete an activity, click on the activity and complete the form as applicable. Medical activities will create the corresponding medical records for the patient, deduct the item from inventory, and add the applicable charge to the item. Any actions associated with items will also be triggered when the activity is completed. Similarly, vitals activities will create vitals records for the patient, and they will update the treatment summary.

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Activities that are not due yet will appear in green along with a timer to indicate how much time is left before they are due. Past due activities will appear in red and will gently pulse to catch your attention. Once an activity is completed, it will automatically be moved to the end of the timeline and will appear in grey.

Editing Activities
Existing activities can be edited after they are created, subject to permissions. To edit an activity, hover or tap and hold the activity to open the summary window. Click on the edit option and make the desired edits. The edits can be set to update just that activity or all subsequent recurrences of that activity.

If you have already physically completed an activity for a patient, and you go to mark it on the treatment board as "Complete" at a later date or time; you can edit the activity and adjust the date and time for accuracy. This applies to all activities; Medical, Vitals and Other.

Duplicating Activities
Existing activities can be duplicated to quickly add another instance of that activity to the board. To duplicate an activity, hover over the existing activity and a summary will pop up. Click Duplicate at the bottom of this window. All fields will be defaulted based on the prior activities settings, except the Due field for time, which will set itself to the current time. Alter your parameters as needed and click Save.

Deactivating Activities
Existing activities can also be deactivated after they are created, subject to permissions. To deactivate an activity, hover or tap and hold the activity to open the summary window. Click on the deactivate option, select whether to deactivate the current activity or all subsequent recurrences and confirm your intent to deactivate. Once deactivated, the activity will be moved to the end of the row. If you choose, you can reactivate the activity by clicking on it and selecting the option to reactivate it.

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Ending Treatment
Treatment can be ended at any time by clicking on the “end” card. Any activities that remain incomplete will be deleted once treatment is ended. If a patient was admitted into treatment from an appointment that same day, the appointment status will be updated to “visit complete” so that the patient can be checked out normally. If the patient was admitted directly into the treatment board, or if the patient’s appointment was from a prior day, a new appointment will be created at the discharge time, for the provider, and under the appointment type specified when ending treatment.

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Treatment Documents

All documents created as part of the treatment will be available in the “documents” folder. These include medical notes, letters, invoices, and a treatment summary. The treatment summary documents everything that was done for the patient during treatment and will be available when checking out the appointment, as well as in the “documents” folder of the patient’s profile.

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