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Managing Discounts
Managing Discounts

Learn how to set up discounts and the different ways to apply them.

Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a month ago


Discounts are set up in the configurations of the settings. You can have percentage based or dollar amount discounts. Discounts can be applied to a client's profile for automatic discount application, to a specific invoice item(s), entire invoices or estimates.

Setting Up New Discount

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  1. Click on "Settings"

  2. Click on “View Discounts”

  3. Click the + button on the top right

  4. In the form that appears, name the discount, select what the discount applies to, categories if applicable. If the "Applies To" field is selected to "All inventory categories", you will enter in the % or $ amount and click Save + Done. If using "Specific inventory categories", you will select Next, and enter in the discount amount for each category.

A new discount can also be created and added when applying a discount to an invoice or estimate. For more information, see “Applying Discounts” below.

Edit, Disable or Delete an Existing Discount

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Editing Discounts:

  1. Click on "Settings"

  2. Click on “Configuration” and select “View Discounts”

  3. Click "Edit" to the far right of the discount

  4. Make the desired edits in the forms that appear and click "Save"

Deleting or disabling a Discount:

You can delete or disable a discount from the right of the applicable discount. You can delete a discount if it has never been used. When viewing your existing discounts, there is a column named "Used". If any discounts are listed as "No", the discount can be deleted from the gear icon. If a discount is listed as "Yes", you will be able to disable the discount if it is no longer needed.

Edits made to an existing discount will only apply to new uses of the discount. Existing applications of the discount will not be impacted.

A discount that has been used can only be disabled. It will no longer be available for use after it is disabled, and existing applications of that invoice will not be impacted.

Applying Discounts

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Discounts can be applied to estimates, invoices, specific line items, and to a client profile.

To apply a discount to an estimate or invoice:

  1. Click on “Apply Discount” in the navigation bar

  2. image.png

  3. Select the discount in the form that appears, and click “Apply”

Any discount that is already applied will be overwritten when a new discount is applied.

Discounts given as part of a wellness plan will take priority over discounts applied to the invoice or estimate directly.

To apply a discount to a line item in an estimate or invoice:

  1. Click on the gear icon on the applicable line item, and select “Edit Item”

  2. In the “Discount” field, select the discount to apply, or select “Custom Discount” to apply a custom discount for that line item

  3. image.png

  4. Click “Save + Done”

A default discount can also be applied to a client’s profile. A discount applied to a client’s profile will automatically apply to all invoices and estimates created for that client.

To apply a discount to a client’s profile:

  1. Navigate to the applicable client profile under Clients

  2. Click “Edit Profile” in the navigation bar

  3. Select the discount to apply in the “Discounts” field

  4. image.png

  5. Click “Save + Done”

Price Tiered discounts can also be used in DaySmart Vet, however they are set up differently. Please click HERE to learn about price tiers and quantity discounts.

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