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Bulk sending an email to your client base
Bulk sending an email to your client base
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

Getting a list of your customer email addresses:

  1. Log into DaySmart Vet

  2. Click on Reports

  3. Click on Clients

  4. Click to open the Active Clients report

  5. image.png
  6. Click Export, Download

The file will download as a .csv file. This file can be opened in a spreadsheet program of your choice. Open the file and sort it to "group" the emails together (i.e. remove clients with no email address from the list).
Once the emails have been grouped, you'll want to compose the desired communication in your clinic email account. Please ensure the following:

  1. Create the email with the TO line as the clinic email

  2. Display the BCC section and copy the emails from the spreadsheet and paste them into the BCC section (this ensures that you're not sending your client list to all of your clients when you send the email)

  3. Click to send the email

  4. If you need to send to more recipients, simply follow steps 1-3 above until the emails have all been sent

It is recommended to verify your clinic email address and website domain with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Once you input your email and domain into your account you should receive an automated email from AWS to complete the verification. Click here to learn more about AWS and other recommendations for better email deliverability.

NOTE: There are limits to the number of recipients that can be emailed at one time. Every email program has a different limit. Gmail, for example, has a limit of 500 recipients. So when you select the email addresses for paste into the BCC section, be sure to copy 500 or fewer email addresses at a time for paste.

WARNING: You will know if there is an issue with the number of recipients as your email program will provide a limit number in their warning message if the email can't be sent. Simply remove the email addresses and use the prescribed number (or fewer) the next time around.

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