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Using the Census
Using the Census

The census is your real-time overview of the entire clinic. Keep it open all day, to see what you need and navigate to where you need.

Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

The census can be used as a Whiteboard style way to view your schedule, with options to filter and sort based on each staff members needs.

To view the Census, click the button from the Schedule screen:

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You can view today's date or navigate to a different day using the Calendar and arrows:

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You will be able to check the status of all appointments and view the associated information, including Triage priority, SOAP notes and invoices. You can also update the status by clicking on the bold red letters of the current status:

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Once a patient is checked in, you can select a room or area that they will be located in for their appointment.

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To learn how to set up rooms or kennels, click here.

You can change the Triage status by clicking the edit button next to the current triage status. The statues are Immediate (red), Urgent (yellow), Minor (green), Deceased / Euthanize (black) and Routine (grey).

You can check patients in or out from the Census as well. When checking out, you will be able to select the invoice and take payment from the Census screen. Once a patient has been checked out, you will no longer be able to make updates to the status:

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All changes to the status that are made in the Census, will change the appointment icons on the schedule to match:

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It auto-refreshes and allows you to see in real time if any changes are made to the census by any other user within the facility.

This will allow you to see if a patient is checked in or checked out without having to manually refresh the screen making the day-to-day workflow easier.

Census Timer

Once an appointment has been moved to the Checked In status you will see a timer for the "Total Time" and "Status Time" under the status for the appointment.

Total Time - starts ticking when appointment status is updated to Checked in and ends when appointment status is updated to Checked Out

Status Time - how long the appointment has been in the most recently updated status starting from Checked In. This resets after each subsequent status update through Checked Out.

Tip: use these timers to make your clinic more efficient in process and increase customer satisfaction by putting attention on clients that are waiting.

Sorting and Filtering the Census

You have the ability to sort the Status, Triage, Time, Provider, Client and Patient fields. You can also filter the census to drill down on information relevant to you. The filter and sort settings will be stored automatically by user, so you do not need to reset them each time. These functions easily provide the user to access the appointment information that is needed specific to their role within the clinic.

To Sort, click on the arrows to the left of the applicable header. Click again to flip the sorting (For example A-Z > Z-A)​

Here is the parameters for how each field is sorted:

• Status - In room > Checked In > Confirmed > Not Confirmed > Checked Out > Cancelled
• Triage - Immediate > Urgent > Minor > Deceased / Euthanized > Routine
• Time - Earliest appointment descending to last appointment
• Provider - Alphabetical
• Client - Alphabetical
• Patient - Alphabetical

To Filter, Click the funnel icon in the upper right. Select the filter parameters desired by column. As you select parameters to filter by, the Census will automatically update, and only valid options to further filter will be shown. When viewing the Census, a number indicating how many filters are applied will be shown next to the funnel icon.

Tip: Sorting and filtering the census can be a great way to help various staff with different roles in the clinic see relevant appointments. A Provider can filter to appointments assigned to them and in a Checked-in status, while a receptionist may want to view all "Not Confirmed" appointments to reach out and follow up with the client.

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