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Managing Custom Columns on the Schedule
Managing Custom Columns on the Schedule
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

Viewing and Rearranging Columns:

  1. Click on Settings

  2. Click on “configuration”

  3. Select the option to “view schedule columns”

Once there, you can rearrange the order of the columns by dragging and dropping the rows into the order you like. The column listed first will be the leftmost column on the Schedule.

Adding Columns:
Columns can be created for a specific staff member (e.g., a specific doctor), or for non-staff purposes (e.g., drop-offs or technicians). If you’re currently using a staff account for non-staff purposes, you’ll be able to remove that account and assign the appointments to the new column.

To Add a Custom Column:

  1. Click on Settings

  2. Click on “configurations” and select the option to “add schedule column”

  3. Complete the form that appears

Select “non-staff” to create a column without needing a staff account.
“Display Name” allows you to name the column anything you want without having to change the staff profile
If you’re using our Online Appointments feature, you can designate which appointment types can be booked for this column, if any.

Editing a Column:
You can edit a column configuration any time as follows:

  1. Click on Settings

  2. Click on “configurations” and select the option to “view schedule columns”

  3. Click on the gear icon next to the column you wish to edit and select the edit option

  4. Make the desired edits in the form that appears

Deleting a Column:
Columns can be deleted at any time. When attempting to delete a column with future appointments, you will be prompted to reassign those appointments to another column.

  1. Click on Settings

  2. Click on “configurations” and select the option to “view schedule columns”

  3. Click on the gear icon next to the column you wish to delete and select the delete option

  4. Confirm your intent to delete the column, and if applicable, where to reassign future appointments

Past appointments for a deleted column will not appear on the schedule going forward. If you need to review those appointments, you may do so under reports or in the applicable client or patient profile.

Creating and Checking-in Appointments
A few minor modifications have been made to the process for creating and checking in appointments to allow for the functionality described in this article. Specifically, a new appointment will be “assigned” to a column rather than to a provider. The provider will be selected when checking in the appointment. This allows appointments to be created for columns that are not associated with a specific staff member, but still allow for medical records to be associated with a specific person.

An appointment that is checked in under a “non-staff” column but is assigned to a specific provider will remain under that “non-staff” column.

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