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Email Defaults

This article will show what each system default says and will teach you how to make your own custom email defaults.

Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated this week


Email Defaults in DaySmart Vet are the default message that will be sent from your DaySmart Vet account, for a certain email type. They can be managed by going into Settings > Configurations and clicking on View Email Defaults:

Daysmart Vet has pre-made default emails that will be sent to your clients to help ensure that clear communication to your clients is possible from day one.

To view the content of these default emails, click the arrow

Appointment Accept:


We’re happy to confirm your appointment for {PATIENT_NAME} on {APPOINTMENT_DATE} {APPOINTMENT_TIME} for {APPOINTMENT_TYPE} with {PROVIDER}. If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}. We look forward to seeing you then.

Thank you,


Appointment Confirmation:


We are looking forward to seeing you and {PATIENT_NAME} on {APPOINTMENT_DATE} at {APPOINTMENT_TIME}. If you need to reschedule your appointment, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,


Appointment Decline:


Thank you for requesting an appointment for {PATIENT_NAME} at {APPOINTMENT_DATE} at {APPOINTMENT_TIME}. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate your request. If you have any questions, we can be reached at {CLINIC_PHONE} or {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,


Appointment Reminder:


We are looking forward to seeing you and {PATIENT_NAME} on {APPOINTMENT_DATE} at {APPOINTMENT_TIME}. If you need to reschedule your appointment, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,


Appointment Reschedule


Thank you for requesting an appointment for {PATIENT_NAME} with {PROVIDER} at {APPOINTMENT_DATE} at {APPOINTMENT_TIME}. Unfortunately, due to a conflict we will need to reschedule your appointment. Our next available appointment is on [new selected date] at [new selected time] with {PROVIDER}. We’ve tentatively reserved this time for you. Please let us know if this time will not work for you. We can be reached at {CLINIC_PHONE} or {CLINIC_EMAIL}. We look forward to seeing you then.

Thank you,


Boarding Confirmation:



If you need to reschedule this reservation, please call us at (Clinic Phone Number) or email us at (Clinic Email).

Thank you,

(Clinic Name)

Boarding Reminder:


This is a reminder that {PATIENT_NAME} is scheduled to be boarded with us from {BOARDING_CHECK_IN_DATE} through {BOARDING_CHECK_OUT_DATE}. Check in is at {BOARDING_CHECK_IN_TIME} and check out is at {BOARDING_CHECK_OUT_TIME}.

If you need to reschedule this reservation, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,




Below is a link to {PATIENT_NAME}'s certificate. If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you, {CLINIC_NAME}

Checkout Documents:


Below is a link to your documents from today's visit. You can view these documents by clicking on the link below. If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,




Below is a link to your receipt, which shows payments you have made to date. You can view your receipt by clicking on the link below. If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,




Below is a link to your estimate. You can view your estimate by clicking on the link below. If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,




Below is a link to your invoice. You can view your invoice by clicking on the link below. If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,




Below is a link to your letter. If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}

Thank you,




Below is a link to {PATIENT_NAME}'s lab result. If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,


Medical Note:


Below is a link to Name of Medical Note (Date) If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,


Medical Reminder:


Our records show that your pet will be due one or more of the following items:


If you need to schedule an appointment, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE}.



Patient History:


Below is a link to {PATIENT_NAME}’s medical file. If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}

Thank you,


Pre-visit Confirmation:

{PATIENT_NAME}’s appointment is starting soon (it’s scheduled for {APPOINTMENT_TIME} on {APPOINTMENT_DATE}. Please take a few minutes to review some important information before your visit.



Below is a link to your receipt, which shows payments you have made to date. You can view your receipt by clicking on the link below. If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,




Below is a link to your (Return #). If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,




Below is a link to your billing statement. If you have any questions, please call us at {CLINIC_PHONE} or email us at {CLINIC_EMAIL}.

Thank you,


Changing the Email Defaults

Click the arrow to learn more

You can create a custom email that can be sent to your clients if you wish to not use the premade default emails. In order to do that, you will first need to create a letter. Once that letter is made, you may follow the steps below to change the default for the type of communication you wish to edit.

  1. Click on "Settings"

  2. Click on "Configuration" and select "View Email Defaults"

  3. Click on the edit icon next to the email you wish to change

  4. Update the subject line

  5. Select the desired letter template that will be used as the default message

  6. Click the save icon

For more information about using letter templates, please click here.

You can sort email defaults by using the arrows next to the column.

Changing the Default for Specific Appointment Types

Click the arrow to learn more

  1. Click on "Settings"

  2. Click on "Configuration" and select "View Appointment Types"

  3. Click on the edit icon next to the appointment type you wish to change

  4. Select the desired letter template for the confirmation and/or reminder that will be used as the default for this appointment type

  5. Click "Save"

If no defaults are selected for a particular appointment type, the default set for that type of communication will be used (i.e., the default set under configuration > view email defaults). If no default is selected for a communication type, the system default will be used.

For more information about creating custom appointment types and custom SMS defaults (if SMS is enabled), please see Managing Appointment Types.

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